WLS and Health Update
<— this pic is where I started
this pic is where I am now –>
I actually started this post back in March, when I was 7 months post-op. Work, grad school (#gradSchoolSucks btw), family issues, etc. derailed my good intentions to start writing regularly again.
May 17 was my 9 month anniversary of surgery. I met with my surgeon and my rheumatologist that week. They were both very happy with my progress.
There are days when I wonder what the heck I did to myself. But they are few and far between, and usually right after I’ve eaten 1 or 2 bites too many, or eaten something that my sleeve disagreed with. Most days, I really can’t complain, and would do this surgery again in a heartbeat.
My rheumatologist believes my rheumatoid disease (RA/PsA) is in remission. She’ll re-do all my bloodwork in August and see where it stands. Right now, I still have some joint aches, but it’s mostly minor. I seem to have been right about the meds causing a thyroid issue, because all of the associated symptoms are gone. I am now off my RA/PsA meds, we are tapering off the meds for fatigue, and I accidentally stopped the migraine prevention meds without tapering but didn’t have any issues. Since surgery, I have gotten off (or am currently tapering off) 5 medications, including all blood pressure medicine, the med for fatige, my RD meds, and my migraine preventative.
Back in March, I had to run out at lunch and get some new slacks for work. I had been able to get by through “shopping my closet” for pants I’d stored away years ago thinking “I’ll get back into these someday”. Well, someday came, and it’s now long gone. Those pants from almost 2 decades ago had become too baggy to be respectable, so I took a chance on some lunch shopping. I went from a 22/24 pant to an off the rack 16. I couldn’t find off the rack pants that fit the last time I was in a 16 as a teenager. But now “curvy fit” pants are available, and they work for me, as I have a small waist compared to my hips. I also didn’t plan ahead, and did the shopping in 3″ heels, without any issues. That would have crippled me a year ago.
Now at the end of June, those pants are getting loose. Not so loose that I have to replace them, but starting to look a little sloppy. I’m now in an adult Large shirt from a 3X. I bought skorts at Sam’s the other day, which never could have happened when I was in plus sizes. I have lost 102# as of right now. My BMI is teetering on the overweight/obese line. One more pound lost, and I will no longer be clinically obese. I could stop losing weight right now and all of my docs would be thrilled. But I’m not stopping. I have another 30# or so to lose to get to my target weight, which I set by looking back to the weight I was the last time I looked and felt awesome.
I still haven’t started exercising regularly again since the health issues of the winter/spring. But I’m feeling good and it’s only my insane time pressures with work and school that are keeping me from it. I have a plan to ease back into the workouts so I can start rebuilding some lost muscle.
Life is pretty darned good from this side, I must say.